This article supports healing for the traumatized child. Carl Jung said that “Every adult harbours a children” – an unending child. This child is dependent on unending education, care, love, and attention. This is the part of human personality that strives for wholeness. To heal from trauma, it takes a complex and courageous journey back to the eternal child…returning to your natural desire for wholeness, going here.
Trauma is an injury or wound that causes permanent harm to the body. Trauma can stop normal development. Traumatizing effects of terror or helplessness on survivors’ lives can cause disruptions in their normal development. Individuals can become disoriented due to chronic child abuse. These circumstances can lead to identity fragmentation, and even a loss in self-respect.
Dr. Judith Herman M.D. said that “repeated trauma in adulthood erodes and damages personality structure, but repeated traumas from childhood shape and deform the personality.” A child must find a way that he or she can still feel hope, safety, and trust despite the most difficult circumstances. To survive, traumatized children will need primitive psychological defenses. Abusers must be seen in the child’s mind as caring and competent to ensure survival. You must not compromise your primary attachment. If the child attempts to justify or minimize abuse, it may be called dissociative attachment. You may experience complete amnesias, also known as dissociative situations. A dissociative condition can cause personality fragmentation which can lead the formation alter personalities.