By repairing rather than replacing a damaged bathtub our website, a bathtub refinisher may be able to save money. This can be done to repair areas that are damaged or rusted. This will also cover chips, cracks and dents. Wait 48 hours after the bathtub has been finished before you start using it. Bathtubs can be damaged if they are used too soon.
Once the tub’s initial use is completed, it must be cleaned thoroughly. Do not leave bottles of soap or other items along the edges. The finish can deteriorate if water is allowed to sit on it for an extended period of time. Shower holders can be used to store shampoos or other soaps. These holders can help protect your tub. It is important to also be aware that other items can expose the bathtub too much moisture. For example, wet towels and rugs.
Cleansing the tub is vital to maintaining its good looks. Abrasive cleaners, however, should not be applied. Pour porcelain or fiberglass, use liquid, foam or gel-based cleaners free of abrasives. Regular cleaning reduces the amount that builds on the surface. Even when the tub is clean, the soap residue will still be removed. When soap residue begins to accumulate in the tub, you can use a nylon scrubbing pad with nylon or soft plastic bristle brushes to remove it. After bath tub reglazing you can use an inexpensive soap and a nylon brush with a little abrasiveness to remove more oily deposits.
It is possible that the new finish could make your bathtub slippery. Use a mat with no suction. Some bathmats can damage a new surface. Even those that do not contain suction cups should not be kept on the bathtub for extended periods. The suction device should not be left hanging from the tub.
If you have leaking faucets, it is best to repair them as soon possible. The faucets on your tub should be repaired immediately.
The following tips will show you how to refinish a bathtub. Ceramic tile, fiberglass or porcelain shower stalls can be refinished. A warranty will ensure that the refinishing of your bathtub covers any damage, or changes its color.