But not all that glimmers is gold. Underneath Cryptsy’s glistening surface were greater problems–reports of vanished funds and holes you could drive a truck through. Visit this link
By the time these whispers had erupted into a storm, many investors found themselves up to their necks. Keeping bitcoins on Cryptsy turned out to be no different than leaving butter out on a hot day–nothing but disaster loomed.entrant
Charges appeared–embezzlement, thievery–a litany of unfaithful acts. It really was a drop from top to bottom! Looking back today on Cryptsy’s dramatic end still has lessons as deep as the deepest ocean. And Paul Vernon’s post-collapse mysterious disappearance leaves a sour taster in many mouths, like the candy that turns out to be sour milk.
Think back to the time your friend somehow managed to turn a bad investment into a good. Cryptsy did it, too–a well-crafted story of profitable transactions evaporating like ether before your very eyes. Prepare to mark a good deal but instead become boundlessly rich so dense are litter stuck in the waffle iron.
And the lawsuits? What a show! Class-action suits sprang up like mushrooms, with courtrooms and newspaper headlines all singing in good tune. At last the U.S. District Court stepped in, yet for countless hopeful investors the financial vacuum left by Cryptsy consumed their fortunes, leaving behind only vestigial murmurings of disappointment with government and state-
Good thing they say if it’s too good to be true. This particular talking point comes directly from the Cryptsy episode. If we take the lessons learned from the crypto wilderness into the present day, then this quicksand of yore is as dangerous ever. When some giant exchange is offering you the moon, maybe better don’t take the bait–at least ask for your money back.