Moldavites are in short supply

Moldavite remains a popular stone due to its beauty, unique characteristics, and mysterious origin. They can be found in both a rough and polished form, and jewelry is made from them. They are limited in quantity and won’t produce any new stones unless a large meteorite hits Earth ( About Moldavite Origin), then we would have other issues :-). Unfortunately, the development of the moldavites supply is not very favorable. This is also reflected by the price, more bonuses.

You can find moldavites on the surface, which is usually done in spring or autumn. There are more moldavites under the surface in sandy or clay sediments than there is on the surface ( this is the difference between dug and surface moldavites). They are extracted by larger companies or single hunters who do not use machines. Single hunters are often illegally employed in the Czech Republic’s legal moldavite mining projects.

Famous moldavites include “hedgehogs”, which are found in the Besednice deposit. Their surface is very well-structured, resulting in deep sculptures. They can grow up to 1″ in length. The first official extraction was allowed in Besednice (Besednice Hedgehog Deposit). All the beautiful green stones were eventually extracted within a few years.

The site Dobrkovska Lhotka-Zatacka was the location where clay and sand were extracted in 2016. The site was once a rich one, from which moldavites were extracted for several decades. It is now empty, and has been replaced by a lake complex.

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